Strange day for weather - we started off with bright sunshine, then it clouded and a few rain spots by which time we'd reached the half way point, the pub. After a coffee stop, the rain got harder and turned to hailstones and then snow! By the time we got back to the cars, it was sunny again.
All the dogs got on great and had lots of fun splashing about in the river, running around in the fields and apart from Helen's Bert falling in the river and needing to be rescued, we had a very lovely walk.
Here's some of the photo's I took although I didn't manage to get all 11 Labs in one shot....
Splashing about in the river:
Sir H has a drink while Pudding & Wiggle chase after the ball
Pudding & Wiggle
Penfold, Sir H's new best friend
More splashing
As always, Pudding following Wiggle, whether on land or in the water!
Back on dry land
Penfold & Sir H
Sir H, shaking off the hailstones!
When we got home, the camera had misted up and I ended up with a slighly soft focus Wiggle!
Pudding & Wiggle, drying off in their fleece's
The auction on the Refuge ends this evening and so far we've had lots of bids, which is great. Hopefully we'll raise lots for Wiccaweys and Dogstar.