The U.S. Needs A Reset Button for Britain -- A Commentary

From Commentary Magazine:

While President Barack Obama tries to improve U.S. relations with rogue states like Syria and Iran, he might want to ensure ties with our closest ally aren’t strained in the meantime. Damascus and Tehran will remain hostile as long as they’re ruled by Bashar Assad and Ayatollah Khamenei, but Britain has long been a reliable friend no matter who is in charge. President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair forged a strong personal friendship despite their ideological differences, yet President Obama is off to an embarrassing start with his Downing Street counterpart.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown felt half snubbed on his visit to the U.S. a few days ago when he didn’t receive the customary press conference and dinner. According to London’s Daily Telegraph, the Obama administration says the president was too tired.

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My Comment: I agree with Michael Totten's commentary .... a better job should have been done. It appears that we are witnessing a number of growing pains for the Obama White House. I can only hope that there will not be too many of these "embarrassing" moments in the future.

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