Several Hearings Highlight Persistent Threat of Worldwide Terrorism

From Yahoo News/CQ Politics:

With the demise of the Bush administration, many pundits, analysts and experts have declared that the Global War on Terror is over. But it was alive and well Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

Lawmakers in both chambers took up topics ranging from violent Islamist extremism to terrorist financing to the attacks last year in Mumbai, all with an eye on what those threats mean for Americans.

And, far from trying to move into a post-Sept. 11 mindset, the attacks of that day continued to resonate with many lawmakers.

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My Comment: This is the nightmare scenario for the President and for the Democrats in Congress. When they dismantled the Patriot Act, and when they have advocated policies that critics have said will endanger U.S. security .... all of this has resulted with the party in power being responsible if things go wrong.

If a terrorist strike from foreign nationals is successful in hitting the U.S. next year, there will not be enough political cover for anyone to crawl under. Today's Congressional hearings are a reflection of this fear.

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