DoD Buzz Speculates On What Is In The U.S. Defense Budget

OMB Floats 5 Year Tanker Delay -- DoD Buzz

One of the oldest ploys in the budget wars is to cut a program you absolutely, positively know Congress will fund no matter what you do. You move money from that program to one you know is on shakier ground. Then, when Congress funds both programs you can protest that it’s something you really don’t need and is pulling money from more deserving programs. Voila! You have zee cake and eat it too!

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TacAir Budget Intel: F-22 Buy 40 or Less -- DoD Buzz

Some predictions on Tac Air. This is all still in the rumor, grey-smoke stage but the information has specificity and strong sourcing.

Word is that PR 9, the latest version of the budget from the White House, would keep the F-22 production line going for one more year and would fund at least 20 planes, and perhaps as many as 40 more aircraft.

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