Could the Economic Collapse Lead To A New Kind Of Warfare?

From Nukes And Spooks:

Today, the House Armed Services Committee is holding a hearing entitled Security Challenges Arising from the Global Financial Crisis. I realize this sounds like a lot of jargon but I found the topic and Chairman Ike Skelton's opening statement fascinating. The hearing is basically trying to tackle how the world economic collapse could affect U.S. national security, but not in the way we have come to think of that threat in the past few years.

I have spent the last six years reporting on the national security threat from rogue elements, usually operating in unstable states. My pieces focus on insurgencies and asymmetric warfare. Indeed, when the U.S. military talks about preparing for the future, it talks about counterinsurgencies and the need to stop groups from rising and plotting attacks against the United States, not wars fought along proper battle lines. But the hearing raises the question: What threat could proper states now pose to the United States because of the economic crisis?

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My Comment: Actually .... economic bad times will not lead to a "new kind" of war .... it will lead to the "usual kind" of war.... i.e. conventional armies from one country fighting against the conventional armies of another. Countries that are on this tinderbox today are North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Hama-Hezbollah/Lebanon, Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia and its neighbors, Ukraine, and half of Africa.

This is a thought provoking article that will probably receive more attention as the economic/financial crisis continues.

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