Will Al Qaeda Strike Us When Our Economy Is The Most Vulnerable? -- A Commentary

Watch Out For Al Qeada -- L.A. Times

It wants to target America's economy, and it wants to prove it can defeat us.
We're bombarded with bad news -- the credit markets could freeze, millions more could lose their jobs, and today's recession could turn into a depression. But the danger we aren't hearing about could outweigh them all: the increased risk of a catastrophic terrorist attack.

A careful study of Osama bin Laden's videos, letters and Internet statements makes clear that Al Qaeda's goal is more than to terrorize Americans or to drive us out of the Middle East. Bin Laden believes that Al Qaeda can bring about the economic collapse of the United States -- and to achieve this goal, he has adopted a strategy of targeting America's financial centers and economic infrastructure.

Bin Laden cites the 9/11 attacks as proof that this strategy can succeed. In a November 2004 videotape broadcast on Al Jazeera, he boasted that Al Qaeda spent $500,000 on the event, while America lost, "according to the lowest estimate, $500 billion ... meaning that every dollar of Al Qaeda defeated a million dollars [of America] ... besides the loss of a huge number of jobs."

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My Comment: Another 9/11 will put our economy into a deep recession. I am sure Al Qaeda and the other terror groups know this .... so let us hope that our men and women in uniform will be successful in stopping them when such plans if/are implemented.

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