Outside Online, the official website for Outside Magazine, is putting the call out to the online adventure community looking for some gear testers to contribute reviews to both the website and the magazine. They're looking for knowledgeable people who can effectively evaluate gear and then write a solid review on it for publication in their gear blog, aptly titled "Fresh Loot".
If you're interested in joining the Outside Gear Army, simply drop an e-mail to geararmy@outsidemag.com. All submissions should include the following two things, and I quote directly from the Outside website:
1. Your concise (under 100 words) qualifications as a gear tester. Please be specific, and include which products you are qualified and willing to review.
2. A sample review, within your area of expertise, for a product that you currently own and is still on the market. No more than 200 words.
So, there you have it. This is your chance at fame and fortune, or at least some free gear and your name on a popular website! What more can you ask for??