Far be it for me to quit while I'm ahead. No, I'm just going to forge ahead with another Old Against the New offering today. The top photograph features the lovely old Birmingham Public Library Building. Today it is the Linn-Henley Research Library. Facing Linn Park, it is one of my favorite buildings in downtown Birmingham. The sharply modern building in the background is the new Public Library. I'm sure there were many good reasons why they chose to move to this sleek and contemporary structure. I can't name one.
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» The Old Against the New II
The Old Against the New II
Far be it for me to quit while I'm ahead. No, I'm just going to forge ahead with another Old Against the New offering today. The top photograph features the lovely old Birmingham Public Library Building. Today it is the Linn-Henley Research Library. Facing Linn Park, it is one of my favorite buildings in downtown Birmingham. The sharply modern building in the background is the new Public Library. I'm sure there were many good reasons why they chose to move to this sleek and contemporary structure. I can't name one.