From The New York Times:
WASHINGTON — Even as it pulls back from harsh interrogations and other sharply debated aspects of George W. Bush’s “war on terrorism,” the Obama administration is quietly signaling continued support for other major elements of its predecessor’s approach to fighting Al Qaeda.
In little-noticed confirmation testimony recently, Obama nominees endorsed continuing the C.I.A.’s program of transferring prisoners to other countries without legal rights, and indefinitely detaining terrorism suspects without trials even if they were arrested far from a war zone.
The administration has also embraced the Bush legal team’s arguments that a lawsuit by former C.I.A. detainees should be shut down based on the “state secrets” doctrine. It has also left the door open to resuming military commission trials.
And earlier this month, after a British court cited pressure by the United States in declining to release information about the alleged torture of a detainee in American custody, the Obama administration issued a statement thanking the British government “for its continued commitment to protect sensitive national security information.”
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My Comment: It is still too early to know what will be President Obama's policies on the War Against Terrorism. On the one hand they do want to have a distinct policy that is opposite from President Bush, on the other hand President bush's policy was succesful in preventing another terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
I expect a middle ground will be found on what they to do .... but make no mistake about it .... after a few months when their policies have become operational .... they will own this war on terror, and they will be responsible if things go wrong.