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We have suggested that the Glenrothes by-election, in Scotland, was rigged, and now there is new evidence on the subject.
Key bored warrior and SUBROSA alerted us to a news story in the The Courier newspaper, on 3 February 2009.(The Courier: Fife )
Mystery of missing by-election records
EXCLUSIVE: By Steve Bargeton, political editor
THE ONLY official record of who voted in a Westminster by-election that rocked the political world has mysteriously gone missing placing a question mark over the result.
In a surprise result in November last year, Labour won the Glenrothes by-election with a 6737 majority over the SNP.
All the major parties, including Labour on election night itself, had predicted that the nationalists would narrowly win the seat, which borders Prime Minister Gordon’s Brown’s constituency...Did Labour's Lindsay Roy, above, really win the Glenrothes by-election?
The SNP in Glenrothes applied to the sheriff court to obtain a copy of the marked electoral register (the official record of who presented themselves to vote).
Surprise! Surprise! It has gone missing.
Central Fife SNP MSP Tricia Marwick said the missing record of who voted places a question mark over the result.
She said: "The turnout at this by-election surprised everyone and the result was a surprise."
Labour candidate Lindsay Roy won the Glenrothes by-election on November 6 2008 polling 19,946 votes with a 6,737 majority.
SNP candidate Peter Grant came second with 13,209 votes.
Lindsay Roy MP, (Glenrothes) has spoken in 3 debates in the last year — well below average amongst MPs. He has received answers to 0 written questions in the last year — well below average amongst MPs. He is a member of 0 select committee (0 as chair).
SNP demands inquiry into missing Glenrothes by-election records
1. Remember the 'vote fraud' in the USA in 2004.
Election day exit polls showed that Kerry won both the electoral and the popular vote with Kerry getting 51% and Bush 48%.
Early on the morning of 3 November the media continued to show Kerry’s national win - and Kerry's win in Ohio & Florida.
CNN’s website on 3 November at 12:21AM showed Kerry’s win in Ohio State. (
2. Bush and his cronies had to concoct a story to explain Kerry's last minute defeat.
3. In November 2008, something similar happened at Glenrothes in Scotland, where the Scottish National Party (anti-war and in favour of Scotland benefiting from its oil wealth) was facing Gordon Brown's unpopular Labour Party (pro-war).
The SNP has kept council tax down and reduced business rates.
The SNP had increased the education budget by 10% and hired new teachers across the region.
Mysteriously, Labour won.
Do elections get rigged by Kenyans?
What is the evidence that something fishy was going on at Glenrothes?
1. According to The Scotsman newspaper, 8 November 2008 (Glenrothes aftermath? ):
"The Glenrothes result was unexpected... An hour-and-a-half after the polls closed on Thursday night... TV commentators told viewers the SNP was on course to win."
2. "The SNP were on 1/5 to win before Ladbrokes stopped betting. And Labour... closed as 11/4 outsiders...
"Ladbrokes spokesman Nick Weinberg, said: 'We were as stunned as anyone by the result. The SNP were all the rage in the days before, while Labour appeared to be friendless.'"
3. The Scottish Sunday Express, 2 November 2008, (POLL PUTS BROWN ON BRINK ) stated about the undecided voters:
"As many as two-thirds of these are ... ready to support the Nationalists...
"Internal polling for the SNP ... suggests the party is on course to give the Prime Minister another bloody nose."
4. There was talk that some elderly voters, particularly from Labour-supporting former mining villages, were upset by the local SNP council's £11 per hour 'care charges'; but Glasgow Labour Council's 'care charges' are £16.50 per hour.
Voters were more likely to be interested in high fuel charges.
5. According to The Times, Scottish edition, 8 November 2008:
"In the last hours before the polls closed, there was a high turnout in parts of the constituency where the SNP was strongest...
"Someone telephoned No 10 to tell the Prime Minister that an SNP victory was ... on the cards."
6. According to The Telegraph (Glenrothes by election: Victory confounded pundits and party.), 7 November 2008:
"Labour's unexpected and resounding win in Glenrothes confounded pundits, MPs and party supporters alike. And last night it was still confounding many of those closest to Gordon Brown...
"When the polls closed on Thursday night the Prime Minister had just been told that Labour was likely to lose the seat it had held at the last election with a comfortable 10,000 majority.
"Mr Brown went to bed thinking Labour had lost."
Note that according to The Telegraph, Gordon Brown and those closest to him believed that Labour had lost. No doubt they had seen canvas returns suggesting an SNP victory.
7. "Up until the opening of the ballot boxes, the (Scottish National) party's number crunchers, Mark Shaw and chief executive Peter Murrell, had been confident of a win by around 1000 votes, because that was what their initial survey told them. Doorstep canvassing suggested little had changed through the course of the campaign." - Sunday Herald 10 November 2008.
Last minute arrival of mysterious votes
So, what story is being concocted to explain the Labour victory?
In Rupert Murdoch's The Times, Scottish Edition, 8 November 2008, Angus Macleod writes:
"The Prime Minister was one of only five key Labour figures aware of canvas results showing undecided voters moving to Labour..."
This smells fishy. How do you keep canvas results, collected by lots of people, from being widely known.
What is possible is that some dark force rigged the Glenrothes by-election.
According to Scotland on Sunday (Files prove that MI5 spied on SNP - Scotland on Sunday), 16 September 2007, the SNP has been spied on by British secret service agents.
The evidence for this is 'previously classified Government files seen by Scotland on Sunday'.
The government files show that "agents from MI5 and Special Branch infiltrated the party as part of a campaign to undermine support for Scottish independence."
The files, in the UK National Archives, show that Special Branch officers posed as nationalist supporters and attended party meetings and rallies.
A number of present-day MSPs claim MI5 still monitors pro-independence politicians.
Alex Neil, deputy convener of Holyrood's European and External Relations Committee, said: "It does not surprise me in the least to have it confirmed that the UK Government has used dirty tricks against the SNP in the past.
"I would certainly not discount the idea that the British state is still acting to undermine the SNP, especially given the substantial progress it has made recently.
"We need to get clear assurances from Westminster that nothing is being done to undermine the democratic wishes of the Scottish people."
Margo MacDonald, the independent nationalist MSP and former SNP deputy leader, added: "Scotland is strategically important and energy rich, and I think it would be extraordinary if the security services weren't taking a close interest in recent developments in Scotland."