Himalaya and Karakorum Winter Update: "Butts Kicked" on Video!

Don Bowie has updated his blog with news from Broad Peak on the team's recent attempt at a summit bid that went as high as Camp 3 before turning back. He also included a little video to show all us back home, safe and warm, just how bad it was.

Don believes the mountain is out to get them as they faced winds in excess of 100 km/h (62 mph) and temperatures that hovered near -35º C (-31º F). Throw on top of that a never ending assault by snow and ice, and you begin to understand the conditions they were attempting to summit in. Don and the rest of the boys made it as high as 7000 meters, where they had previously established C3, but once their tent collapsed, they knew it was time to go down.

The team is momentarily defeated, but they have not given up yet. In fact, they are waiting for their next weather window, and one member of the team, Amin Ullah, actually climbed from BC to C3 last Saturday to put another tent in place for the next attempt. That's a vertical gain of more than 2000m in one day for anyone scoring along at home. Impressive stuff.

Don promises more of an update soon, but for now, check out the video below, and gain a little sympathy for their suffering.

High winds to Camp 2 from Calpinist.com on Vimeo.

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