Britain's Summer Of Discontent

Protesters clash with police in London in January over Israel's action in Gaza. Such scenes could become more common sights in the UK. Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Britain Faces Summer Of Rage - Police -- The Guardian

Middle-class anger at economic crisis could erupt into violence on streets.

Police are preparing for a "summer of rage" as victims of the economic downturn take to the streets to demonstrate against financial institutions, the Guardian has learned.

Britain's most senior police officer with responsibility for public order raised the spectre of a return of the riots of the 1980s, with people who have lost their jobs, homes or savings becoming "footsoldiers" in a wave of potentially violent mass protests.

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My Comment: The failed economic and social policies of a government committed to centralization and regulation are now coming home to roost. Will the government change? Will the Conservative Party be different? .... The answer is no.

What we are witnessing in Britain .... and what we will soon be witnessing in the rest of Europe .... is a political and economic elite that has failed us.

This summer is not going to be Britain's summer of rage .... it is going to be Europe's.

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