Air Force: We Need 60 More F-22s -- A Commentary

F-22s On The Runway

From Information Dissemination:

Both Colin Clark at DoD Buzz and Amy Butler at Aviation Week are reporting today that General Norton Schwartz suggested more F-22s were needed on Tuesday, adding more commentary the F-22 discussion begun by Mark Bowden in his article in The Atlantic from over the weekend.

“We looked at this in a dispassionate and analytical way” and produced a number that “I feel is credible,” Schwartz said during a Defense Writers’ Group breakfast this morning in Washington. The general said he would not release his new number until presenting it to Defense Secretary Robert Gates - but he noted he would not disagree with statements from Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who told Congress 60 more F-22s were needed.

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My Comment: A detailed post on the F-22. A must read post for those who want to know more about the fate of the F-22.

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