A Gallery of Medical Marijuana

Above are screenshots of Kush, Sour Diesel, and the generic "Purps" - three of a dozen selections offered in a Gallery of Medical Marijuana, along with brief commentary as to prices and the relative medical benefits of each variety. The latter include relief of glaucoma, stress, nausea, headache, pain, and as aromatherapy and for appetite stimulation.

The photo gallery is featured on the website of CNBC - the business channel on cable television. Why on a business channel? Because serious consideration is being given to fully legalizing marijuana in California, purely for economic reasons. There are reasonable estimates that sale of the product by the state, or taxation of private sales by the state, could generate a billion dollars or more to help relieve the current budgetary crisis.

TYWKIWDBI does not advocate the consumption of this product anywhere it is illegal. We present this as a public education service so that informed readers can be aware of the economic factors involved. Also, in case you encounter a cluster of these plants growing in a remote corner of your back yard, you will know to call a law enforcement officer so he can dispose of them in a proper fashion...

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