Blogspot, the host for TYWKIWDBI, offers convenient templates for those starting a blog. When I set up TYWKIWDBI just 13 months ago, I specified that the 50 most recent posts would be on the first page. At a time when I envisioned writing a handful of posts 3X a week, that seemed like a large front page.
One year later I find myself blogging for hours every day, posting about 10-12 items at a time. Since many visitors here arrive just once a week, that means to view new material they need to navigate back to prior pages. So, tonight I've altered the template to place 100 posts on the first page; that's roughly one week's output, and this change should make scanning and exploration easier for the occasional visitor.
There is one potential drawback in that the page will now take longer to load. I'm going to assume that virtually everyone has a fast connection so that loading won't be a problem. The videos I post don't autoload, but some Seeq audio links do; those however I post very rarely.
If you had any problems viewing this new larger first page, please let me know in the comments section.