Wiggle - Day 214

After the lashing rain and strong winds last night, the weather's not much better here today so no photo's of Wiggle on his walk!

While I've been doing houseworky type things, Wiggle has as usual, been following me around. He likes to be with me, whatever I'm doing, whether I'm making the bed or cleaning, yet doesn't get in the way. I do often wonder what he felt like in his previous life, when he was shut outside and didn't have the interaction he has now. I chat to him while I'm getting on with what I need to do and he listens, no doubt wondering what the heck I'm talking about, but he wags and he's happy.

I think I'll never understand why he was shut out and left to be on his own all the time outside. It's not like Wiggle is charging around the house all the time or being naughty....

Last night we were sitting on the rug, playing with toys again and seeing Wiggle's furry belly made me think back to last year when he first arrived:

Apart from looking so much better, Wiggle must feel so much better!

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