Wiggle - Day 207

It's a milder day here today, but a bit damp! Wiggle has been helping me with the housework - this mostly involves being ready to pounce on the hoover. It's not that he's scared of it, but he runs away and then comes back, ready to jump on it! Strange boy....

After a bit of grooming this morning and their usual post-breakfast sleep, I took the boys up to Maude Heath for a lovely long walk.

When Wiggle wasn't searching out interesting smells, he was as usual, waiting for me to throw the ball

Wiggle did the most running about, chasing after his ball and pouncing on it as he deemed necessary.

Typically, Sir H took the walk at his usual slower pace.

Although in a rare, uncharacteristic moment, Sir H did have a short burst of energy! And I managed to get a little video clip of Sir H running