At one point the Earths of New Heaven had a program where they went to hospitals to hold crack babies. See, crack babies crave stimulation and touch. It was a beautiful thing. It touches me close because I have a god-daughter who is the result of that dark era of the 80's.
Infant mortality is a worldwide issues. You can see this just by glancing at this 2007 world report.
Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy for Selected Countries, 2007
1. Infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
2. Life expectancy at birth, in years, both sexes.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Database.
Yet is what is often ignored is that the United States has the second worse newborn death rate in the modern world. What this means is that while there are other countries that have poor resources the United States is mired in the inequity of the distribution of its resources.
Let me explain that again..some countries may be poor financially yet the United States is poor morally.
With all of that being said I love to see green tech and DIY tech being explored. When green tech is married with improving the lives of people then I really get excited. Tech isn't just for 'toys' and weapons.
Incubator Made from Recycled Car Parts Could Prevent Millions of Newborn Deaths