Here's New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams, on Palin's upcoming D.C.-Northern Virginia trip:
Traveling with one of her ladies-in-waiting and invited by a rich GOPnik, she'll be at Saturday's invite-only/political mandarins-only Alfalfa Club dinner in DC. This club began back aways to honor Gen. Robert E. Lee whom, you may recall, did a little something in the Civil War.
Did a little something in the Civil War? Like kill over a dozen of my relatives, for instance. Adams goes on:
Why it exists, I don't know.
The Club exists only to hold an annual banquet honoring the birthday of Civil War General Robert E. Lee, on January 7.
What it does, I don't know.
It perpetuates the myth that the traitor Robert E. Lee was a great man.
I only know it's too exclusive to include someone like me and is so high-powered that sitting US presidents attend, which means Obama should show.
There is nothing out there yet to indicate that President Obama will be at the Alfalfa Club dinner.
Palin is also kicking off the formation of her new political action committee, Sarahpac.com, which will be based in Northern Virginia, as is the huge Palin worship society, Team Sarah.