Isaac & "Jack-in-the-Box" at Gustav's first birthday party! (When Isaac came to visit me & the boys in the hospital he was trying to convince me to name Jack "Jack-in-the-Box" instead. "Cause it rhymes," he said. Too cute!)
The boys love ALL their many cousins!
Side glances at Isaac Jay!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday, Dear Gustav.... Happy Birthday To You!
All day long Carl kept sweeping a baby out of my arms to love on them. I love that he is so hands-on with the boys! And they love it, too.
Auntie Roxanne & her sidekick Logan Henry
Enough with the pictures, mom!
Last time we were all together at Julie's house was for Gustav's baby shower in November 2007. I was pregnant, but nobody knew yet. And I certainly had no idea it was twins!
Yay for presents!
That looks so fun!
My arms and heart are full!!!
The onlookers...
Bet they can't wait for their first birthday! Only four and a half months to go!