F-35 JSF Program Schedule Adjusted As Of This Month

Hat Tip To World Wide Pigs
Lockheed Touting Virtues Of F-35 Again -- UPI
FORT WORTH, Texas, Jan. 6 (UPI) -- Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) executives say critics of the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter still don't see the need for multi-role warplanes in U.S. military doctrine.
The aerospace giant has found itself in the odd position of having to once again "sell" the JSF project to the public several years after it won the contract for the $300 billion program, The Dallas Morning News reported Tuesday.
"We just assumed people understood the value proposition of the aircraft," said Dan Crowley, general manager of the Texas-based F-35 program. "We've launched a program where we're going to resell the JSF."
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