How To Win A 'Fifth-Generation' War

Image from TDAXP

From The Danger Room:

In recent years, military thinkers have been focused on "fourth-generation" warfare -- that is, conflicts over ideas, waged by what author John Robb calls "ad-hoc warriors." Compare that to industrialized "third-generation" war fought by traditional armies over land and resources. The U.S. and its allies are already good at 3GW. And five years into the Iraq war, we are beginning to get pretty good at 4GW, too, especially in encouraging everyday Iraqis to reject hardliners' visions of the world.

But the next generation of war -- the so-called "fifth-generation" -- won't feature armies or clear ideas. It will be what U.S. Army Major Shannon Beebe, the top intel officer for Africa, calls a "vortex of violence," a free-for-all of surprise destruction motivated more by frustration than by any coherent plans for the future.

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My Comment: This is a unique observation .... one that I never thought of before. The media and the internet will definitely be the tools that will propagate this type of warfare .... and one that we cannot control.

There are some interesting ideas and thinking here, and I would need to think about it more thoroughly. I will come back to this concept of "fifth generation warfare" in the future.

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