I also travel "home" to Denmark, which is where I lived in my own apartment for the first time and where I have lived the longest during my adult life. It's also where I have most of my friends, where I met Nathan and simply a place very close to my heart.
Not so often anymore, but it still does happen, that I feel more Danish than Swedish! Or at least, I often feel a very strong bond with the Danes.
Here in Brunei, there are only two Danish families, and we see a lot of one of them, the Dehlis.

Yesterday we were invited over for 'flæskesteg, brune kartofler og hjemmelavet rødkål' (pork, brown potatoes and homemade red cabbage). It was absolutely delicious! Frederik had brought the pork home from NZ, and really made an effort in preparing it to perfection. I ate so much I was still full when I woke up this morning. Yum!
It doesn't take much for homesickness to creep up on you. This fantastic meal made me get a Danish craving - and I long for Stryhn's Grovhakkede leverpastej, Spejepølse, en risted med det hele, Kung Fu-is etc... It's hard to have many "home" - there are so many things to miss..!