Daily Spotlight on Education 01/03/2009

  • Excellent insight from Ric Murry about current research opinions beginning to circulate stating showing that the ability to stay on task or "pay attention" is the new important work ethic. I agree - I work to teach my students that self control and behavior is vital - it is what I try to teach - let them have access to everything but also watch to help them make sure they can stay on task as well. HOld them accountable. You're doing them a favor.

  • Note: After a comment from a diligent reader, I have revised the above bookmark - the information stated here is not definitive research, although some state it as such, but has appeared as some opinions and as information from Gladwell's popularly acclaimed book Outliers.
  • tags: education, learning

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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