"100 American Spies" Have Been Executed In Pakistan

Finding American Spies in Pakistan
-- Strategy Page

January 27, 2009: In the last six months, U.S. intelligence efforts have revealed the location of over a hundred al Qaeda and Taliban leaders in Pakistan, along the Afghan border. This led to over twenty of them being killed or wounded by Hellfire missiles fired by American UAVs. This included eight of the top twenty leaders of al Qaeda.

The terrorists have responded by killing over a hundred "American spies" in the area. Most of the victims were not working for the Americans, but the Taliban are desperate to show that they are doing something about the poor security in their own backyard, and catching those responsible for the twenty or so situations where the foreigners somehow knew who was in which building at what time. Most of the dead "spies" were simply strangers in the areas where they were seized. The suspects were not put on trial, but were simply killed (shot, hung or beheaded, sometimes with a little torture beforehand.)

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My Comment: 8 of the top 20 Al Qaeda leaders knocked-off. Those are good stats. Let us us hope that the other 12 (Bin Laden included) are the next targets.

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