Afghanistan's 'Guantanamo' Poses New Prison Problem For Barack Obama

Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention camp Photo: REUTERS

From The Telegraph:

As Guantanamo Bay prepares to close, President Barack Obama will have to deal with a new problem with suspected terrorist detainees, this time at Bagram in Afghanistan.

Every Monday, at a Red Cross compound in Kabul, Pashtu families gather for a glimpse by live video feed of brothers, sons and husbands who have disappeared into a feared detention centre at the main American base in Afghanistan.

As President Barack Obama declared with a fanfare his intention to close the controversial Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention camp last week, he made no mention of another growing US-run prison - with more than twice as many inmates and an even murkier legal status.

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My Comment: If he wanted to close the Bagram prison, he would have done it in his Gunatanamo announcement. This is the loophole that gives President Obama options when it comes to captured Al Qaeda terrorists. It is also the option that he is not going to get rid of.

For supporters of Al Qaeda, they will now be focusing on Bagram when Guantanamo is closed.

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