Iraqi Reporter Throws Shoes At Bush During Press Conference (Video) ...Update: Cairo TV Channel Wants Their Reporter Released -- Gateway Pundit
Iraqi Reporter Throws Shoe At Bush... Perino Gets Hit By Microphone
The reporter works for a Cairo-based Iraqi TV station al-Baghdadiya which tends to be an anti-American channel.
Obviously, he works for a Sunni channel and most likely was upset that the killer Saddam is gone and dead.
Funny. This never happened at a Saddam palace before?
While President Bush was speaking in one Saddam's palaces today an Iraqi reporter threw a shoe at him. The man was dragged from the room screaming.
Here's the video-- If Bush wouldn't have ducked he would have been hit:
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My Comment: This particular post does not cover the usual news on our soldiers or on the wars that are being fought. But my first impression when I heard of this story is that if this had happened to Saddam Hussein .... cough cough .... we all know what would have happened to the reporter.
I guess it is a testament to how much Iraq has changed .... when a leader of state can have things thrown at him, and all that will happen to the reporter is him being detained for a day or two.
I guess this is progress.
Now .... I want to see this same reporter have the guts to do the same thing against his own Egyptian President.