What's It Like To Be A Pirate? In Dirt-Poor Somalia, Pretty Good

From McClatchy:

NAIROBI, Kenya — There's at least one job these days that's recession-proof, if you can handle shark-infested seas, outrun some of the world's most powerful navies and keep your cool when your hostages get antsy.

A pirate's life in Somalia isn't for everyone. However, nothing comes easily in one of the poorest and most unstable countries on Earth, and when you consider the dearth of career options for Somalis on land, a pirate's life starts to look more than cushy by comparison.

"Is there any Somali who can earn a million dollars for any business? We get millions of dollars easily for one attack," bragged Salah Ali Samatar, a 32-year-old pirate who spoke by phone from Eyl, a pirate den on Somalia's desolate northern coast.

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My Comment: The Nigerians have their scams. The Somalis have their pirates. In both cases .... these thieves are low lifes who are trying to grab what they can. But the sad case is that in both of these countries .... these are the idols and heroes to the young and the ambitious.

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