She has been in Southeast Alaska since mid-week, and after concluding a weekend stay in Haines, she will fly back to Cordova from Juneau, where the tour will end at Orca Book & Sound Company on December 19th.
This coming Sunday, I'll be hosting firedoglake's Book Salon, when Dr. Ott appears there for two hours (1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Alaska time) to answer questions about the new book, and anything else topical that comes up.
In preparation for that, I'm posting here a set of links to material related to the subject of Riki's book.
December 2, 2008 Alaska Public Radio Talk of Alaska session with Riki Ott and Prof. Mark Galanter. (It is the only statewide Alaska media coverage of Dr. Ott's book yet, which isn't surprising.)
March 2005 interview at grist.org with Riki Ott. Great Q & A session!
Seattle Post-Intelligencer columnist Joel Connelly has lunch with Riki last month.
The Seattle PI also had a great Q & A with Dr. Ott three weeks ago in Seattle.
Home page of the Copper River Watershed Project, which Riki founded in 1998.
Home page of Cook Inletkeeper, which just awarded Riki Ott with their 2008 Alaska Muckraker of the Year award.
Home page of Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$, a web site created after Riki's book by that same name was published.
Home page of Oiled Regions of Alaska. The Oiled Regions of Alaska Foundation was formed to help southcentral Alaska towns and villages. We receive and distribute donated funds for charitable purposes that benefit communities and regions that were directly impacted by the Exxon Valdez oil spill of March 1989. Riki Ott helped get this organization going, and serves as the Prince William Sound representative on their board.
Out of Balance, a web site devoted to information about ExxonMobil's anti-science record. Based on the documentary by the same name.
Alaska Forum for Environmental Responsibility. Dr. Ott serves on their board.
Not One Drop video:
Separation of Corporation and State - the 28th Amendment:
Update - Saturday at 2:00 p.m: Here are images of two fiber art works by Riki Ott:

Kindred Spirits:

Sphinx Island Elegy, my 1989 orchestral work, dedicated to Dr. Riki Ott. This 1989 performance by the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra, was introduced by Don Cornett, that year's ASO board president, and the CEO of Exxon Alaska. In his remarks, he promised that Exxon would "treat Prince William Sound like a fine musical instrument."