Site News

A couple of quick end of the week news items:

First, I've succumbed to the siren call of Twitter. Not sure what I think of it yet, nor am I completely sold, but I'm giving it a try. To that end, I've been tweeting my blog posts through Twitter, and those that would like to subscribe to my feed, and get blog updates that way, as well as other general musings, my feed is: kungfujedi

Secondly, I'm proud to announce that I am now part of the team over at Gadling, one of my favorite travel sites, and a blog that I've read for several years. Late last week they asked me to come on board and provide some of the same content that I do here for them instead, and I was incredibly flattered that they would want me. Of course I said, yes, and I've made my first post there today on the 20th Anniversary of Michael Palin's epic Around The World In 80 Days. The show was amazing, and I can't believe it's been 20 years. Michael and his adventures have inspired me to travel many times.

This blog is not going away, by the way. I'll still be writing here as well. Some of my stories will likely shift over to Gadling however, and I'll be linking to them here from time to time as well. I'm very excited about this opportunity, as it gives me the chance to tell the stories of these adventures and the adventurers behind them, to a much bigger audience.

That's all for now! Enjoy the weekend!

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