Photos from Last Saturday's Muckrakers' Ball

I lost the USB transfer cord for Judy's camera, but found it under a stack of papers in my UAA office yesterday. Here are some photos I took at last Saturday's Cook Inlet Keeper Muckrakers' Ball, held at Anchorage's Chilkoot Charlie's:

Three-Legged Mule performing:

2007 Alaska Muckraker of the year, Ray Metcalfe, on far left; 2008 Alaska Muckraker of the year, Riki Ott, on far right:

Dr. Riki Ott talking about the proposed 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Ray Metcalfe responding to Ott's address:
Last Saturday was the first time I had been in Chilkoot Charlie's since January, 1996. That previous time, I was performing at one of the bars, on tenor horn, with the Anchorage Krausenspieler Blaskapelle Band. They're the well-known German and Austrian music band, so familiar at Oktoberfest, and on the Nordic Ski Club's ski trains. They play polkas, waltzes, two-steps and other stuff like that.

Back then, during a band break, dressed in my lederhosen, I walked by two very punked-out dudes. One had flourescent green hair, the other had a lot of facial piercings.

As I walked past them, one turned to the other, saying, "Dude, they told me out front that there's an 'alternative band' in here, but these dudes are WAY too alternative for me!"

After playing the Friday night gig in 1996, I turned in my outfit, drove to the airport, and caught a plane to New York City. That Sunday, some of my piano music was played in a concert in the Juilliard Recital Hall.

I think I'm the only person to have ever had gigs at 'Koots and Juilliard on the same weekend.

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