From The Danger Room:
A growing chorus of intelligence officials in the U.S. and in south Asia have pinned the Mumbai attacks on the Kashmir-based militants Lashkar-e-Taiba. But there's been hardly any mention of the extremist group's deep ties to American-based jihadists.
Since 2003, at least five U.S. citizens have been convicted in federal court of conspiring to provide material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba. At least nine more men, considered to be in the same larger circle, have been convicted of firearms violations and other felonies. (A partial list is here.) Several other cases are still making their way through the legal process.
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My Comment: These groups should be closed down, and individuals responsible jailed. But unfortunately .... a good portion of the blame must rest at the feet of Pakistan .... and even more "unfortunately" they are doing very little to stop them.