Hebron Clash Tests Israeli Ability To Remove Outposts

Israeli security forces ride on the front of a bulldozer during the evacuation of a disputed house in the West Bank city of Hebron. Israeli police using stun grenades evicted Jewish settlers from a disputed house in Hebron on Thursday, prompting mobs to go on a rampage and attack Palestinians in the volatile West Bank city. (AFP/David Buimovitch)

From the Christian Science Monitor:

Israeli police removed 250 Jewish settlers from a Palestinian building in the West Bank city, ending weeks of tension between the military and the emerging right-wing fringe movement.

Tel Aviv - Hundreds of Israeli police in riot helmets and flak jackets dragged about 250 Jewish settlers from a Palestinian building Thursday in the West Bank city of Hebron, the first major test in two years of the government's readiness to dismantle the dozens of illegal outposts that have complicated peace negotiations.

The operation ended a several-week standoff between Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Israelis who claimed to have purchased the building from Palestinians. The dispute had come to symbolize the government's inaction in the face of growing lawlessness and brazenness of an emerging Jewish settler fringe movement.

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My Comment: It is always about the land. Who owns it. Who can live there. Who can use it to their benefit.

As I have already said .... it is always about the land .... with religion being the fuel that starts the fire.

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