Defense Department Sustains Focus On 'War Of Ideas' in Anti-Terrorism Efforts

From The Washington Post:

The Defense Department, with more money and personnel than the State Department, continues to plan for sophisticated information operations in the war on terrorism that in the past were the purview of diplomats and even the CIA.

Central to the Pentagon efforts is the U.S. Special Operations Command. As Michael G. Vickers, assistant secretary of defense for special operations, low-intensity conflict and interdependent capabilities, said last month: "On any given day that we wake up, our Special Operations forces are in some 60 countries around the world. I think through this decade and into the next one, [they] have been and will remain a decisive strategic instrument."

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My Comment: One idea can change the world .... I an just skeptical that it should be the Defense Department that is promoting the idea.

Actually .... I would love to know what that "idea" is.

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