From Popular Mechanics:
Five Blackwater Worldwide security guards were charged with manslaughter today, fueling debates about the use of private security forces in war zones. But controversies aside, are contractors even worth the money? PM brings you the financial data behind the debate.
The U.S. military has always gone to war with civilian contractors in tow. During the American Revolution the ratio hovered at one contractor per six soldiers; the numbers in Iraq are closer to one contractor for every person in uniform. As a result, contractor costs totaled $85 billion between 2003 and 2007. Few of these positions require weapons, but given the nature of the assignments—as well as the muddled legal status of hired guns—many wonder if it would be cheaper to use military personnel to provide security. This year the Congressional Budget Office found the costs of hiring armed guards are somewhat greater than deploying soldiers—but substantial savings occur during peacetime. When the fighting ends, so do the bills for private security.
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