5,000 US Troops To Help British With Taleban Stalemate In Afghanistan

U.S. Army soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division discuss the best way to negotiate rough mountainous terrain during a patrol near the Pakistani border in the Paktika province of Afghanistan on March 30, 2007. The patrol is part of a mission intended to disrupt enemy movement in areas known to have enemy activity. The soldiers are assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Justin Holley, U.S. Army. (Released)

From Times Online:

America is planning to send at least 5,000 additional troops to Afghanistan's Helmand province to help out beleaguered British troops, according to defence sources in Washington and Kabul.

Ministers are expected to examine early next year whether British reinforcements will also be sent to boost the present force of 8,100 troops in the British-controlled province.

The planned near-doubling of coalition forces in Helmand could, however, ease pressure to increase British force levels. London has made clear it does not plan to transfer the 3,700 troops coming out of Iraq next summer straight into Helmand.

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My Comment: I am skeptical that even 5,000 additional soldiers will be enough. But 5,000 men is better than no men .... let us pray that it will be enough.

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