Winter Sport

Every Monday morning she says to me, "Audie, do you want to go to tracking class today?" But I think these people send me to class to eat. I can't believe it. These crazy people put gloves, flags, and treats in a huge field and they are amazed that I can find the glove along the food path they set. Duh! I'm hungry and they put food on the ground. How easy it that! I'm a dog with a nose. Well, actually, it was easy until they started turning corners, going up and down hills, spreading the food further and further apart, and sending me into the marsh. But what's a hungry little dog to do? It's pretty easy, it's fun to find the glove at the end of the track, and it makes my person happy when I find it. So, yes, I try to tell her with my eyes and a wag of my tail, "I do want to go to tracking class today."

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