Post-Guantánamo: A New Detention Law?

The sun rises on June 6 over Camp Delta detention compound, which has housed foreign prisoners since 2002, at the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba. (Brennan Linsley/AFP/Getty)

From The New York Times:

As a presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama sketched the broad outlines of a plan to close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba: try detainees in American courts and reject the Bush administration’s military commission system.

Now, as Mr. Obama moves closer to assuming responsibility for Guantánamo, his pledge to close the detention center is bringing to the fore thorny questions under consideration by his advisers. They include where Guantánamo’s detainees could be held in this country, how many might be sent home and a matter that people with ties to the Obama transition team say is worrying them most: What if some detainees are acquitted or cannot be prosecuted at all?

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My Comment: Releasing known Al Qaeda terrorists because of "lack of evidence" or insufficient means to prosecute these terrorists .... the result will be the following .... hell will be unleasehed on the Congress and on President Obama.

Will this happen .... no. Do not be surprised if the "laws" that will be written by the new President and Congress will be similar to what Guantanamo is doing now.

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