MySecureCyberspace: Children Online: Getting Younger and Continuing to Take Risks
Not surprisingly, the study found that children are communicating with friends, peers, and others online in ways that show a lack of knowledge in what is ethical, safe behavior.
- This is NOT suprising to those of us who work with children. WE MUST have digital citizenship education in schools!!! MUST! comment by Vicki Davis
Only 50% of these young children said that their parents watched them as they used a computer, revealing that the other half were exposed to unchecked Web browsing and interaction with others online. About 48% of these young children saw online content that made them feel uncomfortable, and one in four of them said they did not report the uncomfortable experience to a trusted adult.
- Do parents know to watch their children? We need to educate parents as well! comment by Vicki Davis
Only 32% of second and third graders reported being watched by their parents while online, and 31% of fourth through sixth graders said they were watched "a little" or "sometimes." Almost one-third (27%) of fourth through sixth graders said they were completely unsupervised when online.
16% posted personal interests 15% posted information about their physical activities 20% gave out their real name 5% posted information about their school 6% posted their home address 6% posted their phone number 9% posted a photograph of themselves
- Again, education is so important of both students and parents. comment by Vicki Davis
Among second and third graders, 9% admitted to being "mean to someone online" and 18% reported that someone online had been mean to them within the last school year. Among fourth through sixth graders, 7% reported being a victim to bullying and threats online, and 10% reported being embarrassed.
13% said they had been bullied or threatened online, and 15% had been embarrassed. Among tenth through twelfth grader, 15% reported having been harassed or stalked online, and 17% had been embarrassed.
- 15% of 10-12th graders have ben harassed and STALKED online!!!! comment by Vicki Davis
it is more common for children to run into problems with people they know online than with strangers. These troublemakers are more likely to be other students rather than adults.
- To me, this gets to the core of the problem - it is NOT stranger danger but Friendly fiends that are the problem! comment by Vicki Davis
a more prevalent problem that children face online is cyberbullying.