Alaska Hearts Missile Defense (Updated)

From Wired News:

The outgoing chief of the Missile Defense Agency has quietly fired the opening salvo in a battle over the future of missile defense. President-elect Barack Obama is something of a skeptic on missile defense, and backers of the system have dissed the incoming administration for being "risk averse."

But the future of missile defense may hinge, in good part, on congressional support. President Bill Clinton was never a true believer in missile defense, but a Republican-controlled Congress oversaw a significant increase in missile-defense funds in the mid- to late-1990s. Under George W. Bush, Congress has funded missile defense to the tune of around $10 billion a year; members of Congress will fight hard to keep projects that affect their states and their districts.

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My Comment: $10 billion a year. I am still having trouble stomaching that figure.

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