TYWKIWDBI is ten months old today

I've just checked the stats from Google Analytics and Technorati, and they show quite a change in recent months. When I posted equivalent data at the six-month anniversary, TYWKIWDBI was garnering about 100 visits/day, from 52 states and 78 countries. For the past month that number has been about 350 visits/day, from 114 countries; I was puzzled to note that after my local state and NYC, the city with the most visits here was West Hollywood, California (??).

At the 6-month mark Technorati ranked this blog at position 660,000 (out of 112 million); now the ranking position is up to 250,000 with an authority score (citation by other blogs) of 27. Being linked to by other blogs is probably the highest compliment a blogger can have, so I'm delighted that that number is rising.

I don't spend any time analyzing why people visit this blog; I was pleased to notice that the third most popular pageview (after the home page) was the one on with the graph of the national debt, which for inexplicable reasons shows up #2 on a Google search for that term. That might be evidence of a certain sophistication among TYWKIWDBI visitors, were it not for the fact that the number one pageview is the same as four months ago - body painting - and it consistently garners 20-30 hits per day.

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