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» Step back and let Original Peoples handle it

By thenooneproject at 2008-09-16
The 1st Annual Indigenous Eco-Solutions Conference 2008
www. thenooneproject. org
TIME: OCT 1ST - 4TH 6PM - 11PM
Peace Kindred!
Listen to Reason! Come join us at THE NATIONAL BLACK THEATER for our 1st Annual Indigenous Eco-Solutions Conference 2008. This is a platform for Indigenous/Moorish Peoples to prove to ourselves first & show the world we are ready to lead by presenting our best & brightest.
The 1st IES Conference is a major networking opportunity for Indigenous Peoples to make strategic alliances with Organizations, Nations, & other Indigenous peoples from around the world. It is our fiduciary obligation to Nature to be the Trustees/Stewards for the Planet Earth, therefore Indigenous People cannot afford to miss this major boom in the soon to be largest industry & market known as the "Eco-Green Revolution".
We are on the cusp of another industrial revolution, where Humanity will forever change. Survival of Armageddon/2012 Pole Shift is paramount, and moving in this direction is the most productive thing we as Indigenous Peoples can do at this time. We must move to break our dependency, and reliance on an artificial system, and get back to Nature.
When "get back to Nature" is stated, it is said with the intent of rebuilding our highly technology cities & societies of times immemorial i.e. Kemet, Atlantis, Timbuktu, Lemuria, MarraKush etc. This "eco-green revolution" isn't new this is how we always lived, so now it is time to get back to it.
We can solve all of our problems by concentrating our thoughts & efforts in building a Sovereign Independent Eco-City State.
Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
* 2012 Pole Shift Panel.
* Presenters, & Guest Speaker Representatives from the UN, African
* Union Reps & Organization American of States Reps, Various Indigenous
* Groups (Australian Aboriginals), & Eco Green Companies.
* ALF Presentation: 9 Step Implementation of The Commercial Liberation Program.
* Freeing One's Self from the Bondage of Corporate America
* Accessing your Unlimited Credit as an Aboriginal Indigenous Man/Woman & not as an Artificial Juristic Corporate Person
* Remedies in Law for Indigenous Peoples i.e. foreclosure, tax, criminal etc.
* Intercontinental Aboriginal Union(tm) Presentation.
* Interconti