Photo from: news.bbc.co.uk/.../html/5.stm
The Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday are both owned by the Johnston Press which has John Fry as its new chief executive (Telegraph)
We are awarding our 2008 press award to these two newspapers because they have consistently come up with world-class stories which certain other newspapers have missed.
1. The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported 16/9/ 2001 that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus. (Cached)
2. 'It is time to put right the wrongs' - Scotland on Sunday
3. Lockerbie evidence was faked
4. HBOS takeover: Still time to save 'The Bank' - The Scotsman
"Unionist politicians have claimed an independent Scotland could not have afforded the £37 billion the UK Treasury has found for the banks... But the UK government does not have the money either and will borrow it from the world money markets in the form of a gilt auction. An independent Scotland could, arguably, have done the same."
Between the lines: Small countries looking best placed for recovery.
This article points out that Scotland would be better off being independent.