Hard-Line Sudan Politician May Hold Key
To Darfur Conflict -- L.A. Times
To Darfur Conflict -- L.A. Times
Presidential advisor Nafie Ali Nafie says atrocities were exaggerated and blames U.S. 'propaganda.' Still, experts say his clout and blunt style could lead to a breakthrough on Darfur.
Reporting from Khartoum, Sudan -- He's accused of torturing enemies, cozying up to Osama bin Laden in the 1990s and plotting to assassinate Egypt's president.
But presidential advisor Nafie Ali Nafie says his moderation and pragmatism won him his latest assignment: overseeing the Sudanese government's response to the conflict in Darfur.
"I was picked for this because I'm a mild person," said Nafie, maintaining a wary smile and unflappable demeanor throughout an 80-minute interview in his office here.
Mild isn't a word many others use to describe Nafie, the leader of the hard-line faction in the ruling National Congress Party.
"Nafie is viewed by many as one of the most influential and brutal security officials in Sudan," longtime Africa analyst Ted Dagne said.
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My Comment: Throughout history .... peace was never achieved when you had to deal with thugs. This is no exception when it comes to the thugs who rule Sudan.