Cry of the Wild

We went to see this dance concert yesterday night, at the big Jerudong Amphitheater (where Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston once have performed, among others). It was Studio scene, a dance school here in Brunei that put on the show. The theme of the concert seeked to raise awareness among people to appreciate the world we live in and to respect the environment and animals around us.
A lot of the kid's little friends were performing in it so it was nice to come along and support them. They have been practising so hard the last many weeks, and put a lot of time and effort into the preparations for this show.

It was really great! The kids performed various dances based on animal themes - their costumes had been specially made depicting lions, penguins, fish, panthers, cats, swans, Kung-Fu pandas (!) and many more.

Linnea was eagerly awaiting some elephants (that never showed up), so she was a bit disappointed. She then fell asleep in the end; it got very late for the little ones, especially after having celebrated birthday all day.

Lucas liked the "Nemo"-, the "Kung-Fu panda" and the "Madagascar"-number best - and we all were very impressed by the hip-hoppers, they were so cool!

I'm considering signing Lucas and Linnea up for joining the dance school, I think they would enjoy that a lot!

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