Who is the classic American hero?
The lovely Sarah Palin, or the 'gay' John Wayne, might be considered classic American heroes but the best candidate for the title is Billy James Hargis.
Billy James Hargis (1925 -2004) was was one of the founding fathers of the Christian Right and he liked boys.
In the 1950s and 1960s, his Christian Crusade ministry was broadcast on more than 500 radio stations and 250 television stations.
Hargis preached about the evils of sex education, the welfare state, Communism, liberalism, women's liberation and, of course, homosexuality.
Hargis loved Israel and preached in favour of Israel.
Hargis accused Martin Luther King Jr. of being a Communist-educated traitor.
Hargis was was one of the first fundamentalist Christian leaders to urge his followers to get involved in politics.
Hargis was a close friend of General Edwin Walker and he became a member of the John Birch Society.
In 1975 Harry Dean claimed he had been an undercover agent for the FBI. In 1962 he infiltrated the John Birch Society. He later reported that Walker and John Rousselot had hired two gunman, Eladio del Valle and Loran Hall, to kill President John F. Kennedy.
Hargis founded the 'Christian Crusade' in 1950, a "Christian weapon against Communism and its godless allies."
Hargis formed the American Christian College in 1971 in order to teach fundamentalist Christian ideas.
Hargis was not all that he seemed.
After leaving school in Texas, he attended the Ozark Bible College at Bentonville, Arkansas, but left before he could finish his course.
Perhaps, like so many Americans, he had little undertanding of the Sermon on the Mount, but knew a bit about the Old Testament.

According to The Telegraph, 2 December 2004 (Billy James Hargis):
"In 1974 Hargis had conducted a wedding for two of his students.
"On their wedding night, in an episode reminiscent of the scene in Cabaret when Sally Bowles and Brian Roberts admit to having had affairs with the bisexual Max, the bride and groom confessed to each other that neither was a virgin and discovered that Hargis had deflowered them both.
"Not long afterwards, three male members of the college choir, the All-American Kids, approached the college authorities alleging that they too had been sexually abused by Hargis over a period of three years.
"Hargis had allegedly justified his acts by citing the Old Testament friendship between David and Jonathan and, just in case his victims were minded to consult biblical texts that were sympathetic, threatened to 'blacklist' them for life if they talked.
When he was confronted by his colleagues, he allegedly admitted his guilt, blaming his behaviour on 'genes and chromosomes.'
Was Hargis working for the CIA or Mossad?