I was tipped off to a very cool webpage today that has been put together by GOOD Maazine. Their Wanderlust page shows a map of the world with a number of colored lines running through it that represent the routes of some of history's top explorers and travelers. A menu hovers above the map, allowing you to focus on specific explorers in order to follow their route on your next adventure.
For example, if you wanted to follow the same path that Phileas Fogg did in Around The World In 80 Days, you simply select it from the menu, and that journey's path is highlighted on the map. A brief synopsis tells you a bit about the adventure, and clicking on the "Explore" option highlights various stages of the journey, with a bit more detail on each segment.
The list of travel routes is not simply confined to the fictional however, as the historical routes of Lewis and Clark, De Soto, and Magellan are readily available, amongst many more. Classic travel routes such as The Silk Road and The Northwest Passage are also prominently featured.
This is one of the best sites I've seen in some time. Really a cool concept, and who hasn't dreamed of hitting the road, following in the footsteps of Marco Polo? This site will help you plan such a journey, and give you a glimpse of the various exotic locations along the way. It's a great resource that will probably inspire the wanderlust in you as well. Definitely check this one out!