"John McCain: Like most Americans, the son and grandson of a navy admirals, whose efforts to democratically kill Vietnamese civilians, while successful, were confounded by his propensity to crash the planes he flew. Is known to associate with war criminals.He jokingly recalls the days of rolling thunder, agent orange and death from above" - Remake/Remodel
Obama, in an interview on Fox television, told Bill O’Reilly that the “surge” in Iraq had 'succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.' He went on to threaten military action against Iran.
"The depiction of McCain as a man who 'fought for freedom' has gone unchallenged in the corporate-controlled media, but it is profoundly and utterly false. The war in Vietnam was not a war for the freedom of the American people; it was a war against the freedom of the Vietnamese people...
"McCain ...delivered the bombs that killed thousands, if not tens of thousands, of innocent Vietnamese." - McCain launches fall campaign as Obama embraces Iraq "surge"
Leaked Iraq Deal May Allow Maliki to Bypass Parliament
Whatever happened to Alex Allan? On 10 July 2008 a Cabinet Office spokesman said Allan had regained consciousness but for now will remain in hospital to regain his strength.BBC NEWS UK UK spying chief emerges from coma
aangirfan: Spy, Alex Allan, found 'with blood everywhere.'
Landmark US-India nuke deal approved
US hints at more raids in Pakistan
Pakistan's parliament says future US raids should be repelled "with full force"
Pakistan cuts supply lines to NATO troops in Afghanistan
Nigeria: "Members of the National Assembly have expressed different opinions on the alleged invitation of Israeli intelligence agency to train the country's security operations under a secret security pact." - Nigeria: Lawmakers Divided Over Mossad - FG Link
"Fighters from Turkey, the United States, Italy, Israel and the NATO will participate in the exercise." - Turkey to host multinational military air exercise
BOLIVIA: Divisions Emerge in Opposition Strategy
World Bank: Two and a half billion people live on less than $2 a day