Bushnell Releases Backtrack, simplest GPS Yet!

Checkout the new Bushnell Backtrack, a GPS device that does away with all the color touchscreen, MP3 playing, XM satellite receiving madness we've seen in other GPS units recently. This is minimalist technology at it's finest.

Powered by two AAA batteries, the Backtrack operates as a self calibrating digital compass, along with it's ability to tag a location and then help you find your way back to that spot. Simply mark your campsite when you leave in the morning, and when you're ready to head back, tell the device to "backtrack" and you're on your way. It'll even countdown the distance until you've arrived back where you started. The weatherized device is small enough to slip into your pocket or wear on an included lanyard, and can mark up to three locations to store in it's memory.

The MSRP on the Backtrack seems to be about $75, but as OhGizmo notes, it can be had from Amazon.com for a mere $59.99. Not bad at all. Seems like a great little device to keep on hand. Wonder what the battery life is like on this thing.

Thanks to The Goat for this one.

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