Al-Qaeda's 'second-in-command', Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is believed to have worked for the CIA, has reportedly accused President Pervez Musharraf of trying to destablise Pakistan at the behest of the United States. ( Al-Qa'eda chief Ayman Zawahiri attacks Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf ...)
The CIA is believed to be trying to topple Musharraf and this means turning Pakistani soldiers and civilians against him.
Zawahiri appears to be being used by the CIA as part of its attempt to topple Musharraf.
The 'Zawahiri' video-tape message was handed to a Pakistani television news broadcaster.
Reportedly, Zawahiri says in the tape: "Let there be no doubt in your minds that dominant political forces at work in Pakistan today are competing to appease ... the modern-day crusaders in the White House and are working to destablise this nuclear-capable nation under the aegis of America."
In the tape, 'Zawahiri' claims that Pakistan is now "virtually ruled from the American Embassy".
Zawahiri reportedly says: "Pervez has insulted and compromised Pakistan's sovereignty by allowing the CIA and FBI to operate freely in Pakistan and arrest, interrogate, torture, deport and detain any person, whether Pakistani or not, for as long as they like, thus turning the Pakistani army and security agencies into hunting dogs in the contemporary crusade."
According to the Daily Telegraph, which often seems to represent the view of MI6, "Much of the hour-long address is an appeal to Pakistani soldiers to rethink their role in the fighting that has often pitted them against their countrymen, especially in the tribal regions."
Around March 2008, Al-Zawahiri published a book on militant Islamic Web sites 'slamming his former radical colleagues in Egyptian prisons for disavowing armed struggle and turning their backs against violence.' (New book by top al-Qaida strategist rebuts jailed militants ...)
2. Some Islamists are thought to be manipulated by the CIA and its friends. Some are thought to be agents of the CIA and its friends.
According to an article entitled 'Islamic fundamentalist link to British Fascists' by Wayne Madsen and Umberto Pascali( Cached ):
"According to January 2000 U.S. Congressional testimony, al-Zawahiri was granted U.S. residence by the Immigration and Naturalization Service - something almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants to obtain...
"One of the centers of operation for al-Zawahiri was London, where one of his closest relatives resided? President Mubarak is believed to have referred to him when, after the Luxor massacre, he stated: 'There are people who carried out crimes and who were sentenced [in Egypt] and live on British soil.'"
According to (Cached ), Ayman al Zawahiri fought for the CIA in Bosnia and his brother Zaiman al-Zawahiri fought for the CIA in Kosovo.
(Members of the Moroccan terror group Salafi Jihadi fought for the CIA in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Bosnia and Kosovo. USS Cole Bomber Jamal al-Badawi fought for the CIA in Bosnia. Zacarias Moussaoui fought for the CIA in Chechnya. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed fought for the CIA in Afghanistan. Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman fought for the CIA in Afghanistan. Abdullah Azzam, "one of the ideological founders of Hamas" fought for the CIA in Afghanistan.)
Al-Zawahiri is suspected of being an agent of the CIA.
3. Ayman al-Zawahiri was born into an aristocratic Egyptian family in 1951.
His father, Mohammed al-Zawahiri, was a pharmacologist and a professor.
The family was "not overly pious," (Wright, The Looming Tower, p. 34.)
4. While Ayman al-Zawahiri was still at school, the president of Egypt was Gamal Nasser.
According to an article at Cooperativeresearch ( Context of 'October 1970-1981: After Nasser’s death, Sadat brings ... ), the USA and UK (and the US and UK oil and bank industries) did not like Nasser’s nationalist policies. MI6 and the CIA began plans to assassinate Nasser.
Egypt's Islamist Muslim Brotherhood also wanted to topple Nasser. Nasser outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, which he denounced as a tool of Britain.
The CIA provided support for the Muslim Brotherhood because of “the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.” [Baer, 2003, pp. 99; Dreyfuss, 2005, pp. 101-108] Saudi Arabia, an ally of the United States, gave money and and sanctuary to Muslim Brotherhood militants. [Dreyfuss, 2005, pp. 90-91, 126-131, 150]
Israel also preferred Islamists to nationalists.
David Shipler, a former New York Times reporter, said that 'he was told by the military governor of the Gaza Strip, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, that the Israeli government had financed the Islamic movement to couteract the PLO and the communists.' (Context of 'October 1970-1981: After Nasser’s death, Sadat brings ...)
According to Martha Kessler, a senior analyst for the CIA, 'we saw Israel cultivate Islam as a counterweight to Palestinian nationalism.' (Context of 'October 1970-1981: After Nasser’s death, Sadat brings ...)
5. Reportedly, at the age of 14, al-Zawahiri joined the Muslim Brotherhood (Ayman al-Zawahiri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), suspected by some of being a tool of the CIA and MI6. (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in ...)
6. Nasser died 'of a heart attack' in 1970.
Nasser was succeeded by Anwar Sadat, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sadat had 'a close working relationship' with the CIA and Henry Kissinger. Sadat used the Muslim Brotherhood against the nationalist Nasserites. (Context of 'October 1970-1981: After Nasser’s death, Sadat brings ...)
7. Reportedly, al-Zawahiri became a fan of the Sayyid Qutb, who was a secular (non-religious) reformer in the 1930s, but who apparently became an Islamist in the 1950s and 1960s.
At Cairo University, Al-Zawahiri studied behavior, psychology and pharmacology graduating in 1974. Following that he served three years as a surgeon in the Egyptian Army.
8. In 1981, President Anwar Sadat was assassinated. Possibly the CIA had fallen out with him.
According to an article at ( Cached ):
"Joseph Trento, in his 2005 book, Prelude to Terror, interviewed former high-ranking CIA agents about this period in Egypt...
"Trento ... reports that Sadat's vice president Hosni Mubarak had been on the CIA payroll in the late 70s, and that he had been having his palms greased by a weapons delivery company called EATSCO — a CIA front/side company run by the notorious Edwin P. Wilson.
"According to Trento, Anwar Sadat had, by 1980, started an investigation into Mubarak's corrupt involvement with EATSCO.
"Both the CIA and Mubarak had motives to have Sadat dead.
"The CIA of course, having the contract to protect Sadat, possessed the means, at least to leave a critical security door open."
Al-Zawahiri was part of the Al-Jihad group which allegedly carried out the assassination.
Al-Zawahiri served a three year sentence in Egypt after he was found guilty in 1982 for conspiracy to murder in planning the assassination of Sadat.
9. Adel Darwish has written that, in 1986, according to an agent of one Gulf State Intelligence Service, al-Zawahiri moved to Peshawar in Pakistan 'where he was helped by the CIA to get arms, training and money for his followers to join the Mujahedine. ' According to the agent, the CIA were aware of who he was and his involvement in the assassination of President Sadat, but they gave him and his men new identities and new passports.' Reportedly, the story was confirmed by Egyptian intelligence sources. (Terrorism)
10. Al Zawahiri's terrorist career reportedly includes the massacre of 70 people on a tourist bus in 1997 Luxor, Egypt, and the assassination attempt against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 1995. (Islamic fundamentalist link to British Fascists)
11. From The Guardian, 18 February 2002, (Guardian Unlimited Special reports Bin Laden's No 2 'captured ...):
"Ayman al-Zawahiri, has been captured and jailed in Tehran, a leading Iranian newspaper reported yesterday.
"Zawahiri, the founder of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, was arrested several days ago and has been imprisoned in the city's Evin jail, where political prisoners are usually held, the Hayat-e-Nou newspaper said.
"The paper is regarded as reliable and is run by Hadi Khamenei, a leading legislator and the brother of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei."

“It is believed in some quarters that while Omar Sheikh was at the LSE (London School of Economics) he was recruited by the British intelligence agency MI6,” Musharraf writes in his book, In the Line of Fire: A Memoir.
The US sent head-of-state hunters from the Central Intelligence Agency to scour the Pakistani military apparatus to identify a suitable replacement for General Pervez Musharraf.
The extraordinary recruitment mission — reflecting the seriousness of purpose and urgency with which the Bush administration wants to oust its ‘most valuable ally’ — was disclosed recently by a well-placed diplomatic source...
A team of CIA operatives was subsequently sent to the country to sort out pro-US army officers, one of whom could be considered Musharraf’s successor as the commander-in-chief.